6 easy ways you can get noticed in your local area

W. Jon McClure
4 min readMar 28, 2016


Now that you’ve made a decision to start your photography enterprise, you most likely are curious about simple methods to get noticed and sell in your local area. Getting noticed can certainly look difficult in the beginning; however you can find places in your area where you can showcase some of your work where people can notice you and you’ll get more feedbacks.

Why not start showcasing your work within your local area using these simple strategies.

Artist Clubs & Associations

There are numerous camera, art clubs and associations in your local area that are worth looking at. A number of art associations incorporate various types of artists. They usually have yearly shows and exhibition where you can exhibit display your work along with others.

The groups would usually do all the publicity to bring in the general public. Often times their exhibitions are held in local malls; art museums and can pull a great number of people.

You might even check to see if there are any local MeetUps.


Regional or Local festivals can be really amusing. You need to know beforehand that they can be expensive. You will need to have a significant amount of to participate; you’ll often have to pay the festival fees and insurance.

If you decide to go in this way, the right festival can be profitable. If you live in a region with an enormous amount of tourism, you have the potential to make good sales. This also ties in with the flea martket type events too.

Local Businesses

There are certainly health care centers, restaurants and other enterprises in your area that might be happy to display your photos in their organizations. You need to check out these opportunities and be open to try new concepts.

Make a list and start contacting them. You probably already have a few place in mind. After you try this, let us know how it went!

You Should Have a Website

You shouldn’t take photos and leave them gathering virtual dust on your hard drive, you need to share your work as this is the best strategy to get your photos noticed. Creating a website where you can display your work is one of the most simple and inexpensive way to let people see your work.

You must keep in mind the reason people would visit your site is to enjoy your photos, not really to see what amazing web-development skills you have. So just keep your website simple.

Connect With People

Don’t disregard the value of actual connections with others, Interact with real people, face to face. Even in this digital age in-person contact is still a wonderful way to get noticed. Enroll in a photo club. Check out Meetup.com and search for groups in your city.

Whenever you speak with people regarding your photography, direct them to your website, especially when you’re a beginner, a number of your website traffic will come from people that you have interacted with face-to-face. Share Photographs that People Actually Would like.

Give people a taste of what you can do in a context that they actually care about. If they actually have an interest in the photos you take, they are more likely to remember your work.

If you are attending an event, bring your camera along it is a great opportunity for you to take some photographs and share them with the people involved. Be willing to share your photograph, even if you’re not paid to do it especially when you are starting out.

Don’t think you need to get paid for all your work. Remember that your intention is to be noticed. If people see that you shoot some really great photos of their events, they will likely be willing to knock at your door when they want other photography work done.

Be Social

Social networking is really a big deal today. It is possible to reach out to lots of people by means of the numerous social media site. However, it is very important that you see social media as a way to getting in touch with your followers, rather than as a way to generate followers.

Social media is an excellent strategy to get people to stick to you but is not necessarily a very good tool for getting new people to follow you. If you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media site, you have to be active. It’s vitally important that you talk and interact with people.

If you would like people to be active on your social media forums, you have to be vocal on theirs. Be warm and friendly, be real, be outgoing, and you will quickly realize that others will do the same for you.

If you don’t have any, I would strongly suggest starting with instagram and pinterest (we actually get a good percentage of our traffic from pinterest). [sidebar: there is also periscope if you really want go for it.]

Go for it!

Just like everything in life, it’s all just baby steps. Do what you feel comfortable first. Then challenge your self and make your self uncomfortable in order to grow from it.



W. Jon McClure

Start to seek. Become a generalist. Begin to serve. Rise to a Polymath. Start a mission. Live in abundance. https://linktr.ee/wjmcclure