5 Ways To Your Most Productive Year Ever (No Matter When You Start!)

Success leaves clues, and by looking at what highly productive people do to succeed, you can chart a course for greatness.

W. Jon McClure
4 min readJan 17, 2023
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston S. Churchill

Here are five ways that you can finally give yourself a highly productive year.

1.Forgiveness is something we all need to practice. Forgiving yourself for past mistakes is essential. When you dwell on what you did wrong in the past, you waste your valuable time and put your body into a state of stress. Stress will kill your productivity.

A much more productive idea is to look at the mistakes with no judgment. See them for what they genuinely are…your most valuable learning moments.

Take the time to write out the errors and ask what happened, what you learned, and how you can use this to propel yourself to super productivity.

2.Productivity and success mean stretching and growing. It is wonderful to have goals; however, if your productivity goals are not that hard to reach, you are doing yourself a disservice.



W. Jon McClure

Start to seek. Become a generalist. Begin to serve. Rise to a Polymath. Start a mission. Live in abundance. https://linktr.ee/wjmcclure